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Crystal Solidification Machine

Model:GHB Specifications:
Volume: Weight:15kg
crystal Solidification Machine


1.Print the crystal film

2.Dry the printed film

3.Clear the crystal , drop some crystal without-shadow glue on the side of the crystal which you will do picture. Press the film to the crystal with the printed side inside , use a PVC card to carve the excrescent glue around the film.

4.Put the crystal into the machine for 3 minutes , take it out and take off the excrescent PVC , and then put the crystal in to the machine for dry .

5.Take out the crystal and drop some crystal glaze onto it , adhesive the back of the PVC to it , put it in to the machine for 3-5 minutes.

6.Take out the crystal , remove the PVC and carve off the glue around it , and  that is over .


Custom field:

The kind of crystal machine is of low volume and easy operation.
Alluminum body structure, it's durable and safe with light tube and plug-in of CE approval.


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